Grammar plays a vital role in learning correct English. We have designed short term grammar course t
Long- Term grammar module
Long Term Grammar module has been designed with a concept for those who are unable to form
basic gr
Foundation Level speaking
In foundation speaking the students are encouraged to use grammar while speaking to give
them confi
Higher Level Speaking
In higher level speaking, we provide them brush-up grammar and then move to, Level 2 topics such as
Hi-Flown Speaking
In this stage, students becomes full fledged and is confident and a fluent speaker. Topics
Social Media Campaign
Etiam fringilla nec nisl sed imperdiet. Nunc id justo pulvinar justo fringilla ultricies. Fusce frin
21st Century Communication
Fusce vitae eros dignissim, ultricies tortor vitae, aliquam elit. Proin ultrices viverra sodales. Cr
Legal Aspects of Law
Integer rhoncus eget ante ut condimentum. Vestibulum sit amet est ut sem lobortis varius a ac neque.
Trade Management
Nulla nisi velit, semper a fermentum a, lobortis a eros. Praesent gravida vitae purus nec sollicitud
Food and Beverage Management
Mauris ipsum nunc, auctor ut diam quis, pellentesque sollicitudin risus. Ut consequat et sapien in p